Monday, February 27, 2012

Best Body Wash

I was having a hard time finding a body wash I like. I either didn't like the way they smelled and/or they didn't make my skin feel good. Well, I finally tried the Rite Aid knock-off of the Dove body wash. Yep, it's totally great. Smells good and really does moisturize my skin. Great price too. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Crest 3D White

Seriously, use it. Crest 3D White is THE best whitening toothpaste. I went away from it for a while and could totally tell a difference. My coffee was staining my teeth and brushing right after wasn't helping. Now that I'm back on the Crest 3d White, I can tell that my coffee stains are brushing away. It is wonderful. Oh, Crest 3D White! Why did I ever stray?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


We got a new vacuum last night. Wow. How were we living before? We decided to get the "pet" type since my hair is what ruined the last vacuum we had. (btw the last vacuum started on fire and that is what made us finally decide to buy a new one) Well, this "pet" vacuum promises to pick up hair and not lose suction and so far so good... or actually its great. After vacuuming with this thing it looked like we had shampooed the rug too. We paid about $130 for it. We thought about going for a fancy Dyson or Oreck but decided we lived for a long time with a cheap one so why spend $500 when we could get a decent one for way less. Anyway, here it is. Pretty nifty, right? It got 4 out of 5 stars (110 reviews) at but only 3 out of 5 (only 9 reviews though) at It is on sale right now at Target.

Friday, February 17, 2012


I can seriously jog forever if part of every mile I can walk. Last night I went for 7 miles and my technique was jog two-thirds and walk the last third. The only reason I didn't do 8 miles is because the BF came out and told me I was doing too much. haha!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Buddha

Found a great documentary on Buddhism called The Buddha. It is so interesting. It's mostly the story of his life and how he came to be enlightened. The coolest part is all the artwork they show throughout the film. 

Shout Out!

Just would like to give a shout out to my friends for letting me use their pics to decorate my blog. Thanks!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Had this picture snapped while out with some friends.
It made me think of this Toulouse-Lautrec painting. I've always loved this painting. The green face of the woman in the foreground is so accurate. Lighting indoors at night is so eerie and magical. Everything is out of focus and beautiful.

Can NOT keep the beat

My main problem in ballet is my absolute lack of rhythm. It is very frustrating. But I had a friend suggest that my problem is that I get bored keeping the beat. Haha! That actually might be it. Like my mind goes "alright, we get it. beat keeping. got it. sure.... ooooh is that a flower over there?" and there stops the beat keeping.

Friday, February 3, 2012


My mother gave me these beautiful earrings she made. I wore them with a bouffant hair style and I felt very glam 50's. Not sure if I looked good with the bouffant hair but I rocked it anyway.