Friday, March 29, 2013

Food Diary

I am on a never ending quest to lose weight. I think most people in modern times are. And you can't always maintain your "fighting" weight. You would go mad. So when I need to shed the same ten pounds I gain and lose constantly, I use a food diary. Works like a charm. Really keeps you honest with yourself. Plus it helps me eat "clean". It is so easy to choose good food vs bad when you look at the calorie content. I know the calorie content on a lot of items so I can do my diary entries pretty fast but if you need to look some up you can just google it. Plus I am on myfitnesspal which has a great lookup for calorie content. Most the time when I talk to people who are having trouble losing weight it is because they are consuming way more calories than they think.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

St. Germain Liqueur

Got this little bottle of St. Germain Liqueur and omg it is good. It is an elderflower liqueur. Go to their website to read about the cool and very French process for this product. After you do that immediately try this drink which I got from the website.

The St. Germain Cocktail
2oz dry champagne
1.5 oz St. Germain
2oz soda water
Pour all ingredients over ice and stir gently until mixed completely.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Phone Case

I love a cute phone case. I don't know... I guess they increase the quality of life since they bring a little joy every time you look at your phone. And my phone is always in my hand. I use it for work and personal. I read my Kindle books on there. I listen to Pandora and watch Netflix. My phone tells me when the sun will set so I know when I can hit the tennis courts. Oh phone! How do I love thee? Let me count the ways... LOL

Here are some of my phone cases I've had.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Saint Patrick's Day

Woot! Christianity got to Ireland. Forget about Lent. Let's drink.

That's pretty much what I got from the Wikipedia article on Saint Patrick's Day. I DO like everyone wearing green.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Jeffrey Morgenthaler

Just discovered the best blog ever about bartending. is amazing. The guy has incredible knowlegde and the drive to continue to make interesting, delicious beverages, either updates or completely new. I am a bit obsessed with this man's site.

He revisits the Old Fashioned with commentary on the Wisconsin Brandy Old Fashioned which is what I think most people are serving when they serve an old fashioned. Nice to read about since everyone makes them slightly different. And really muddling a marachino cherry with a good bourbon seems like a crime so someone needed to enlighten me.
Wisconsin-stye Brandy Old Fashioned


Love the photowonder photo editing app. It's free and easy to use. I found it on the playstore on my droid phone.


My very favorite brand of bag is Lougefly. I buy them from Below is a picture of my lastest purchase. Great durability and very hip. I also love that they provide Hello Kitty merchandise. So cute.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Been gone a while...

Well, I've been gone a while but now I'm back. Don't worry! My love of Sally Hansen Salon Effects has not faded. I've got lots of new stuff to review and chat about.